U.S. Distributor for Fine Wines Imported from Georgia Telephone: (704) 841-1369

KST-Georgian Wines - Oak Barrel

Volume - 4.3 to 4.5 liter
Barrel size - 30 x 20 x 20 cm
Size with stand - 30 x 30 x 20 cm
Tap height - 9 cm
Empty barrel weight - 2.5 kg
Filled barrel weight - 6.9 kg
KST-Georgian Wines' 4.3 liter wine barrel is made of aged oak.  The barrel is leak-proof without the need for gaskets or hermetic sealing (and their adverse effect on the wine.)  It has cadmium plated rings and a hornbeam cork and tap.  The outside surface is coated  with a ecologically-safe, clean, transparent lacquer.

The inner side of the barrel is processed with fire and then coated with a thin layer of natural coal which acts as a natural absorbent.

The oak walls exude tannins which lead to faster aging and ennoblement of the wine.

The shape of the barrel makes allowance for the naturally occurring sedimentation in the lower part of the barrel with no effect on the tap's out-flow.

The barrel is unique with its form, material, and exploitation period.



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